
Module Contents



Class to interface to the KM3NeT Open Data Center

class store.KM3Store(localfolder='.openkm3/')[source]

Class to interface to the KM3NeT Open Data Center


loading local index by reading from API endpoints


Update cached info on data center entries from server.

_get_endpoint_info(self, endpoint_url)[source]

get relevant info for catalog from api endpoint on server.

_get_catalogentry_by_kid(self, kid, ischild=False)[source]

finding entry in catalog by kid. If ‘ischild’ is True, the kid is matched to the entry ‘parentResource’.

list(self, identifier='')[source]

Print info on directory or object

_request(self, address, download=False)[source]

Gets response from URL as json object.

_load_localfile(self, filename)[source]

Loading data from cache if already downloaded before.

get(self, identifier, loadoption=None, reloadit=False)[source]

Get data from server or local cache with identifier Loadoptions depend on the datatypes.


returns the full catalog as dictionary.

static _flatten_catalogentry(listdict)[source]

Helper function to format catalog entry for printing